595 Posts on Svbtle & Me
I’ve joined the Svbtle network. I’ve long been an admirer of the work that Dustin Curtis has done and I’m excited and honored to join the network:
The Svbtle Network is an experiment that brings some of the best things from newspapers (editing, vetting, etc) to a network of independent bloggers. It is focused on the writing, the news, and the ideas. Everything else is secondary. - Codename: Svbtle
Why am I joining? Because I’m fanatical about content. And typography. And the force of ideas.
Who Am I? #
I’m a tech geek, marketer and fiercely curious individual. I live in Brooklyn, NY and work for Distilled.
The State of Svbtle #
Those are the colors currently present on the network. And now there’s me too:
Stats #
Since I’m a maths geek I thought I’d break down what’s going on with Svbtle right now. As of writing there are:
- 28 writers on Svbtle (not including me)
- 595 posts written on Svbtle (not including this one)
- 422 posts written on Svbtle excluding Dustin Curtis
I look forward to contributing my thoughts and writing to the future of Svbtle. In the meantime, I’ve shifted my essays to essays.tomcritchlow.com where you can still find The Art of Being Switched On.
That’s about it for now. I’d love it if you would follow me on twitter