The Tyranny of Social Share Buttons  

If you provide excellent content, social media users will take the time to read and talk about it in their networks. That’s what you really want. You don’t want a cheap thumbs up, you want your readers to talk about your content with their own voice.

An excellent piece by iA on social share buttons.

It’s one of the reasons I love the Svbtle platform so much - the only button on the page is the Kudos button which is a fascinating experiment in it’s own right:

Somehow, when that hover button is triggered, people feel like part of their soul is being sucked in through the monitor by a CSS animation. Many use the word “theft”.

Read the whole Unkudo piece here


Now read this

The “Real” Real-Time Web

It started with a simple idea—an online version of the classic arcade game Asteroids, but on a massively multiplayer scale. It would support hundreds of players at once, thanks to a scalable network backend. It would be real-time,... Continue →